These are of some of my favorite stories.

My work exists at the convergence of consumer culture and identity. I’m forever interested in the complexities that hide behind shiny marketing, teasing them apart and making them more human.

I’ve had around 1,500 pieces published online (one eventually loses count). At the risk of overwhelming you, this is a small selection.

The Gay Sneakerhead Stories -

The Gay Sneakerhead Stories -

In 2014, 2015, and 2016 I wrote three essays about what it’s like to be a gay sneakerhead published by Complex Networks. The response was very strong each time. In 2014 it was extremely negative, but with the support of of the EICs (Noah Callahan-Bever and Gerald Flores) and editors (including Matt Welty), Complex stood behind me, and we kept telling the story. Every month I still get messages from folks all around the world who are discovering these pieces.

Just for fun, open an Incognito window and Google “gay sneakerhead” and see who pops up. 😘