Case Study: Home for the Holidays
As an Editorial Director, Content Strategist, and Editor I believe the roots of every story are the humans at the center. I believe in holistic stories and processes that bring together all affected teams, from PR to Engineering to Merchandizing, ensuring that there is complete vision and total buy-in.
One of my favorite case studies is the StockX 2020 Holiday Editorial campaign. Here’s that story.
The first Holiday Season of COVID-19 meant that everyone was staying home for the holidays. We decided to lean into the sentiment of the classic Christmas song for my first real Holiday campaign at StockX. “Home For The Holidays” was the concept for the full brand - Paid, Social, CRM, Creative, even Engineering. The busiest season of the year came with an edict from the CEO: we needed to have new editorial content every single day. It was up to me to conceive how the concept would appear in editorial with the breadth and flexibility necessary to satisfy the request.
I mapped out the blockbuster schedule a month in advance and worked with the team to create clickable titles for snackable, shoppable content at a pace that was easy to execute with our ongoing business requirements. With titles like “Gifts to Depress Your In-Laws”, “Why An Ugly Sweater???”, “Don’t Eat The Yellow Snow”, and “Yee - And I Cannot Stress This Enough - Haw”, StockX saw the greatest holiday engagement to date (71% YOY, 1.2M unique views).
53 Unique Editorials (incl. pre- & post-Holiday), Six Writers, Daily Publishing for 12 Weeks.
To learn more about the choice and challenge to make this content daily, check out the story here.