A little about me:
I’ve seen a UFO.
I once made Meryl Streep cry.
My single Mom is a Shaman, but was a minister when I was a kid. Once, between houses, we briefly lived at an ashram.
The first boy I ever fell in love with was in love with someone else. He explained it to me by making me listening to music from Rent.
I attended boarding school at age 13 and went straight to New York after graduating high school. As a result, I cannot legally drive.
I nearly died of pneumonia as a kid. I also had shingles as a kid. I suffered through six months of Giardia, but I had Mono for only three days.
I went to a farm camp for troubled teens (they called us “Farmers”, the councilors were called “Big Kids”) where we spent the summers splitting wood, living in tents, using a shared outhouse, and four nights a week we would meet for hours of group therapy that only ended when no one had anything left to stay. I came out during my second summer there, and left with a stalker who took years to shake.
In middle school, I lead a hiking group into the depths of the 5,000 square mile Adirondack Mountains. We went off trail on our way to camp to fetch water at the closest stream. And then we got lost off trail while separated. After hours of blowing whistles and singing we were able to find each other and the trail again. Right before nightfall we got to camp and there was a fresh water stream running right through the camp that wasn’t on any of the maps.
← I’ve published about 1,500 pieces for various publications, but I picked a few for you.
← This is very impressive but it’s a LOT of reading…
← How I turn corporate campaigns into reams of engaging content with teams.
← It me. Literally. You can watch!
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